packages:get-local($type as xs:string) as item()*
returns a list of locally installed apps of a given type ('application' or 'library'). It is checked wether the calling user has to the given package.
$type | $type |
packages:get-local-applications() as item()*
fetch the list of locally installed applications
packages:get-local-libraries() as item()*
fetch the list of locally installed libraries
packages:get-local-packages() as item()*
fetch the complete list of locally installed applications and libaries
packages:get-package-meta($app as xs:string, $name as xs:string) as item()*
$app | $app |
$name | $name |
packages:get-remote() as item()*
fetches all remote packages from public repo and filters out packages that are already in the list of local packages. In case there's a version that is newer in the repository list it will be marked with the attriburtes 'available' and 'installed'.
packages:get-repo-locations() as item()*
packages:get-version() as item()*
packages:installed-apps($type as xs:string) as element()*
$type | $type |
packages:is-newer($available as xs:string, $installed as xs:string) as xs:boolean
$available | $available |
$installed | $installed |
packages:packages-as-json($packages as element()*) as item()*
$packages* | $packages* |
packages:public-repo-contents($installed as element()*) as item()*
$installed* | $installed* |
packages:required-version($required as element()) as item()*
$required | $required |
packages:scan-repo($callback as function(*)) as item()*
$callback | $callback |