A module for dealing with HTTP responses.
response:exists() as xs:boolean
Returns whether a response object exists.
response:redirect-to($uri as xs:anyURI) as empty-sequence()
Sends a HTTP redirect response (302) to the client.
$uri | The URI to redirect the client to |
response:set-cookie($name as xs:string, $value as xs:string) as empty-sequence()
Sets a HTTP Cookie on the HTTP Response.
$name | The cookie name |
$value | The cookie value |
response:set-cookie($name as xs:string, $value as xs:string, $max-age as xs:duration?, $secure-flag as xs:boolean?) as empty-sequence()
Sets a HTTP Cookie on the HTTP Response.
$name | The cookie name |
$value | The cookie value |
$max-age? | The xs:duration of the cookie |
$secure-flag? | The flag for whether the cookie is to be secure (i.e., only transferred using HTTPS) |
response:set-cookie($name as xs:string, $value as xs:string, $max-age as xs:duration?, $secure-flag as xs:boolean?, $domain as xs:string?, $path as xs:string?) as empty-sequence()
Sets a HTTP Cookie on the HTTP Response.
$name | The cookie name |
$value | The cookie value |
$max-age? | The xs:duration of the cookie |
$secure-flag? | The flag for whether the cookie is to be secure (i.e., only transferred using HTTPS) |
$domain? | The cookie domain |
$path? | The cookie path |
response:set-date-header($name as xs:string, $value as xs:string) as empty-sequence()
Sets a HTTP Header on the HTTP Response.
$name | The header name |
$value | The header value |
response:set-header($name as xs:string, $value as xs:string) as empty-sequence()
Sets a HTTP Header on the HTTP Response.
$name | The header name |
$value | The header value |
response:set-status-code($code as xs:integer) as empty-sequence()
Sets a HTTP server status code on the HTTP Response.
$code | The status code |
response:stream($content as item()*, $serialization-options as xs:string) as empty-sequence()
Stream can only be used within a servlet context. It directly streams its input to the servlet's output stream. It should thus be the last statement in the XQuery.
$content* | The source sequence |
$serialization-options | The serialization options |
response:stream-binary($binary-data as xs:base64Binary, $content-type as xs:string, $filename as xs:string?) as empty-sequence()
Streams the binary data to the current servlet response output stream. The ContentType HTTP header is set to the value given in $content-type.Note: the servlet output stream will be closed afterwards and mime-type settings in the prolog will not be passed.
$binary-data | The binary data to stream |
$content-type | The ContentType HTTP header value |
$filename? | The filename. If provided, a Content-Disposition header is set for the filename in the HTTP Response |